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Online Programs

We know it's daunting, when you want to lose weight. So many programs out there telling you what to do and the problem with many of them is that they are based on templates or calculators that are often not going to match up to your actual goals or body type. 


Our Online Nutrition and Workout programs are NOT a quick fix or for rapid weight loss, nor are they a way for us to sell you products you don't need. We give you the tools to make sensible nutrition choices, work outs that help you lose fat, tone up and all the support you will need.


Stop struggling on your own trying to get results. Try Ultimate U to get the results you deserve. If you want to trim unwanted body fat, increase energy, tone up and feel more confident but you aren't local to us then Get More Info on our Online Program.


From just £30.00 we can supply you with Meal plans and/or Workouts you can do at home or at the Gym, that are tailored to your specific needs and abilities. 


What are you waiting for? Fill in our NO Obligation Form by CLICKING HERE


Or call to 07901607663 for more details.


Click Here to go to our  

Facebook Page Reviews 

Just coming to the end of my 6 week challenge, I'm now a size I haven't been for best part of 20 years!!
I'm not giving up now!!

-Lin Burge, Frome 

It was so hard getting to my targets that I wanted to achieve and getting myself out of bad habits and rubbish eating seemed like I was at a dead end but then I joined ultimate u frome and it's the best thing I could of done it has changed my life completely feel fantastic after being 16.5 stone and now 12.2 fantastic - Vicky Hiberd, Frome


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