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Finally, the best Black Bean Brownie Recipe

A couple of weeks ago, I had a day of creative baking! The result being some protein muffins, pumpkin brownies and rather a lot of black bean protein brownies....yes you heard it right, Black Bean!

Tonin took a box into sessions and they were a great success. So by popular demand, here is the recipe. You may need to tweak it to taste and these are approximate measurements as I tend to cook by eye rather than a recipe, but this will get you as close as is possible to the same results.

These are low in carbs and sugar free, you could mix in some berries or replace the whey for cocoa powder but REMEMBER this will effect the calories/macros etc.

I like to eat mine with some Coyo Coconut Milk Yoghurt, salted caramel (as pictured) as it is simply gorgeous!

Black Bean Brownies - Makes 16 Servings

89 Calories per Square, 7.4g Protein 2.9g Carbs 5.2g Fat


240g Can of Black Beans (preferably organic)

3 Large Eggs

100g of Go pro Chocolate Whey Protein (or similar) If you don't have whey you can use 80g of cocoa powder that will mean they aren't as high in protein

80g Coconut Flour

3 Tsps of Cocoa Nibs (or choc drops/melted choc...will effect calories remember!)

50 ml (approx) Sugar Free Syrup (I use myprotein Butterscotch Syrup)

30g Ground Almonds or Almond Flour

50 ml Unsweetened almond milk

3 tbsp Melted Coconut Oil


- Preheat oven to 180/200.

- Line a square baking tray with non stick paper.

- Use a food processor to blitz the drained black beans, eggs, syrup and almond milk. Combine the whey powder, coconut flour, nibs and almonds in a separate large bowl. Mix the wet ingredients into the dry and stir in the coconut oil.

- Tip into the tray, gently bash onto worktop a couple of times to level the mixture.

- Bake for around 25 minutes, or until the top looks cooked and browned. Brownie mix can be moist on the inside, but if it's still too liquid, then bake a few more minutes.

- Allow to cool. Then remove from tin, cut into 16 pieces and enjoy!

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