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Why you should cancel your Gym membership.

Let me tell you how this goes.

You want to get fit or lose weight. You want to get back on form. Get your 20 something body back.

A local traditional gym is running a promotion. Join free for a month and then sign up for just £35 or so a month!

Perfect! Sounds good right?

So you sign faithfully listen to the induction by the enthusiastic PT, who gives you some advice on what you should or shouldn't be eating (if you are lucky) maybe a meal plan too!

You get a card listing out all the exercise you are going to be doing each time you go and you get stuck in. You feel AMAZING. You swear your jeans fit a bit better.

Feeling determined, you spend several weeks faithfully going to the gym every other day. Then you have a particularly busy week, and you have to skip it. The next week you're not feeling well or one of the kids is sick, so you don't go then either. Your whole schedule is so busy, super busy, you know? You find yourself at the gym maybe once a week, but you tell yourself it's worth it.

This is for your health. Suddenly, it's been three months, and you've been there maybe twice, and your money has been wasted. This is why, among other reasons, I think you need to cancel your gym membership right now.

Now I'm going to tell you what's wrong with this picture and why UUF is different.

Traditional gyms are banking on you not turning up most of the time. If all their hundreds of members turned up at the same time it would not be manageable, they just wouldn't have the staff to cope or the room. They are banking on the majority of people feeling so guilty about their lack of commitment that they won't want to cancel. Do they call you to ask you why you aren't coming or if there's a problem? Ask if you are feel unwell, feeling motivated ...No? Chances are they don't. They will however happily take your money each month. It's money for nothing, think if they have 500 members that's a LOT of income to just keep the doors open.

So how are we different? Unlike a traditional gym, we are results based. We WANT you to succeed so you keep it up for the rest of your life. So your family and friends see how good you look and ask you how you did it. Yes we are of course a business but we are a Fitness Business that works on recommendation and looking at our clients whole lives and how we can help them feel more satisfied and happy not just with their bodies but their nutrition, health and mental health as a whole. You will get a call or a text from us if you don't turn up, we will want to know why and we will happily remind you of your goals and why you are doing this in the first place.

Value When something very cheap breaks or you lose it how upset do you get? Probably not too worried if a cheap pair of sandals you bought in a pound shop fall apart, or if a beach towel you paid 5 Euros for on Holiday gets left in the Hotel room. BUT I imagine you would be pretty gutted if you lost your shiny new smart phone! Again this is where the psychology comes in, if you are paying a monthly fee for a gym that you rarely go to or pay as you go for classes - chances are you won't cancel that quickly and you won't be that bothered if you don't turn up. But, if you have pre paid more for something, that means you put more value on it and your health and well being is certainly something you SHOULD be valuing.

Cutting Edge The fitness industry has moved on a huge amount in the last 20 years, gone are the days when the only option was for men to be body builders and women to do cardio. Gone are the days when ALL men would strictly stick to the weights room of the gym and all women would flit between 20 minutes on the bike, to 10 minutes on the stepper and 20 minutes on the rowing machine. There are so many different ways to get a lean toned body and the key element to each method is nutrition backed by cutting edge workouts. You can't out train a bad diet so you need to work out in a way that gets you results without hours and hours of cardio time in the gym and eat the right types of foods. My sessions are group personal training which means all of you in the room are doing the same exercise at the same time, with varying weight and intensity under direct supervision. This method means someone who has never exercised before can be side by side with someone who takes part in triathlons and they will both get a great workout.

At UUF we also give you access to meals plans and an easy way to eat, that you can stick with for life along with unlimited sessions at our facility in Frome (you don't need to pre book, you can just turn up) which brings us nicely onto.....

The Numbers Game We've already said the traditional gym relies on 100's/1000's of members and if they all turned up at once what would happen? You'd never get on the machine you want to use.

Here at UUF we have a limited membership, we don't overbook and take on unlimited members we have a capped limit and we know each and every one of our clients and their goals in a way that the traditional gym just simply never could. We are a family where no one is judged on their size, shape, weight or goals as ultimately you are all there for one reason, to change your lives, change your bodies and support each other. There is a NO Bitchiness if you have been to a normal gym or class at a leisure centre chances are you have walked in head down, not wanting to look at anyone, in case you catch them making comments or giving you a look that makes you feel uncomfortable. Well you might be surprised to learn that everyone has their own demons and believe me the girl in the corner who looks so perfect to you, may be clawing her way out of the mental and physical anguish an eating disorder brings.

We don't Judge at UU. You are all there for the same reason to make a change and be healthy! You leave your crap at the door and get 45 minutes of a positive atmosphere with no bitching, no moaning and definitely no instructor screaming at you for one more rep or who is so busy checking out their own muscles or showing off how many press ups they can do!

So if you agree with what I'm saying, here is the challenge -

The magic number 18, I want you to give me 18 x 45 minutes sessions with you, they can be 18 sessions at 3 sessions a week or 4...or 5! You bring that commitment and I guarantee you the tools you need to change your body. I GUARANTEE that if you follow my nutritional advice and give me those 18 sessions that's just 810 minutes, that's less than one whole day! I will get you there and you will be so hooked you will want to stay and continue your journey with UUF.

So if you are already a gym member elsewhere don't spend another minute paying that membership, cancel it and give us a call or drop me a line. I can't wait to help you achieve your goals.


Ultimate U Fitness Frome


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