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Trust me, you haven't failed.

So what with the media ramming down our throats that today is “blue” Monday, the “worst” Monday of the year, this kind of subliminal suggestion is dangerous as it can make you feel like it's true and amplify any negative feelings you have.

I wanted to do a blog that may make the way you might be feeling right now, not quite as bad as you think it is.

Knowing the difference between a setback and failure.

It happens to everyone at some point during a fitness or weight loss journey (and life in general), trust me I mean everyone. I hear the term "I failed" a lot.

Knowing the difference between a setback and failure is key to your journey in getting your mindset in a good place, a place from where you can achieve your goals and move forward from. Learn to draw a line under a setback and move on and stop thinking you have failed. Here are the key differences and I am sure you can all relate to one or more of them.

SETBACK = You made a mistake You fell off the nutrition plan You got distracted You were tired You caved in to pressure from others You felt you were too busy You didn't do any sessions or home workouts for a while You lost your willpower You had a binge and feel bad You gained a bit of weight since your last weigh in

FAILURE = You decided that losing weight and being healthy wasn't worth the effort and just gave up.

Now the difference is very clear, I hope? Wherever you are right now keep this post in mind especially when you find yourself in that frame of mind. Just remember when you were younger and learning to ride a bike, did you just completely give up when you fell off? probably not, OK you might have scuffed your knees, had a little cry but I bet you got back on right?

As kids we just keep trying, when as adults we tend to lose that innocent way of thinking and determination we once had. Don't over analyse things. Brush yourself down and carry on.

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