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Choose a Challenge

Ahhh yes so it's Monday again, the day for fresh starts and new challenges right?

So have you been saying over the weekend that you are going to start eating better from Monday? Get more exercise from Monday? Get more sleep from next week, drink more water or perhaps take more time for yourself?

So chances are that you are going to try and do all of these things from today and the chances are you will be saying the same thing next weekend, having failed for most of this week. Well let's change all of that from today. I actually want you to stop challenging yourself to change your whole routine, habits and lifestyle in one day and COMMIT to changing just one thing this week.....and actually do it!

Pick ONE Challenge from the list below, that you KNOW you really need to work on and focus ONLY on this one thing.

Make this week different. Choose the best “bad habit” you want to change and go for it. Focus only on that.

  • Get to Bed by 10pm and get a minimum of 7 hours sleep.

  • Drink a minimum of 2.5l of water each day for ALL 7 days.

  • Workout at least 3 times this week.

  • Read an entire book this week.

  • Spend 30 minutes a day on just YOU.

Of course, if there is anything else not on the list that you want to choose, do that, but make sure it IS possible for you. Don't set yourself up for a fall! It's great to aim high, but equally as demoralising to keep trying and failing time and time again.

Be sure to share what you choose with everyone you know, so they can hold you accountable.

Good luck and feel free to share how you are getting on with us here at UU via our FB page Ultimate U Fitness Frome

or with the hashtag #uumotivation

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