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2018 - Your Recipe for Success

Recipe for success - No cooking required!

So today I thought I would give you or remind you of the recipe for success. Of course like any good recipe you can add your own ingredients to make it your own but here are the basics.


1 x Fuel your body (eat around 40 carbs/30 protein /30 protein) 1 x Drink a minimum of 2.5 ltrs of fresh water a day 1 x Exercise (Get to one of our classes!, take a walk active!) 1 x Restful sleep 1 x A few minutes of you time each day (Take a bath, read, or just sit and take a breather.... not on your phone) 1 x Big dollop of Self Worth


Follow the above, add a zest for life and realise it is fragile. Live it the best you can. Don't waste time complaining about things that are out of your control like the weather or politics.

Realise that there may be people in your life who wont like you changing and won't want to follow you. If you don't like something change it.

Take time to look around and appreciate the world for its beauty and good not just the bad. Make sure you are as happy and healthy as possible so you can do the things you want to do. Be kind when you can. Realise you are worth whatever it takes to make YOU happy.

Put all that together and you will be cooking up something special for yourself.

Make this year count.

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