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Life is a journey not a destination.

Whenever I get a chance in my spare time I like to take photos as a little hobby. This pic is a snap I took at Veryan in Cornwall the last time I was there.

Looking at it I couldn't help but be a little bit inspired to write a post. It reminds me that weight loss, fitness, lifestyle changes and indeed life itself is not a destination but a journey. A journey that should be enjoyed wherever possible, take the time to look around along your journey rather than blindly focusing on the end of the line or goal. For sure you will get snagged on brambles and more than likely tread in some mud or worse! 

Scratches heal and mud cleans off. As you make your journey whether it is weight loss, fitness or all of it make a small change every day so that you learn how to plan your path so you don't get too bogged down in the mud of feeling like you keep failing and stumbling. Keep focused on the end goal but don't forget to look around you as you go. 

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